Terms of Use

Please read our Terms of Use before accessing or using the Invezty.com website. Upon visiting our site and using our services, you agree to be bound by all the conditions outlined in this document. Do not use our site or its resources if you disagree with our Terms of Use. If you are below the age of consent and would like to access Invezty, ask your parent or guardian to review this document on your behalf.

Acceptance of Terms

By using the Invezty website, you agree to our terms. The terms you accept constitute a binding agreement between you and our site. You also confirm that you are at least 18 years old and, therefore, in the capacity to enter into a binding agreement with us. Suppose you are visiting Invezty on behalf of any other entity. In that case, you accept our terms on behalf of the other party and affirm that you have the authority to enter an agreement with us on behalf of the entity you represent.

Security Rules

At Invezty, we take the security of our website and users very seriously. We prohibit you from taking any actions that may compromise or attempt to compromise the security and safety of our site and its users. Under no conditions are you allowed to:

  • Access or try to access data or information not intended for you.
  • Log into or try to log into an account on our website that doesn’t belong to you or you don’t have the authority to access.
  • Test, scan, or probe our site’s vulnerability without proper authorization.
  • Breach any implemented authentication measures or security protocols without our permission.
  • Use unauthorized tools like password crackers and hacking software to gain unauthorized access to any part of our site and its resources.
  • Use malicious software, including Trojan horses, spyware, and viruses, to change how our site or connected network operates.
  • Send or try to send false, deceptive, or altered information intended to compromise the security of our site or users.

If you own an account on our site and violate any security rules, we reserve the right to terminate or suspend your account without consulting you or issuing prior notice. Account termination and suspension are at our sole discretion.

Our Content

Our content, which includes but is not limited to text, images, videos, and graphics, is for informational purposes only. We are dedicated to informing and educating you on relevant topics using elements like articles, guides, and reviews.

The Invezty team will always strive to publish accurate, up-to-date content. But our content will often be general in nature, so we can’t guarantee it will apply to any specific circumstances. We don’t provide information tailored to any particular individual’s needs. Additionally, we can’t and don’t guarantee our content’s reliability, completeness, or accuracy at all times.

All the content and information on Invezty is our intellectual property and protected by all applicable proprietary rights unless stated otherwise. Invezty values its content. We will defend it to the fullest extent of the law. You may use our content only as our Terms dictate.

Invezty grants you limited permission to view and bookmark our content. You may also download and print the information on our pages. But you can only use our content for personal or information non-commercial purposes. While using our content, you can’t and shouldn’t attempt to remove any incorporated copyright, trademark, or notice.

If you intend to use our content for any purposes we’ve not authorized on this document, request permission first. We reserve the right to accept or reject your request.

Invezty will never use other people’s content without express permission. We respect intellectual property. If you believe we’ve copied your content in any way and infringed on your copyrights, please contact us immediately. You should do the same if you suspect a third party has published infringing content on our site.

Website Access

You are responsible for the acquisition, maintenance, and repair of any equipment you use to access our site. We only give you a limited, non-transferable, and non-exclusive revocable license to access our site and use its content as dictated in our Terms of Use. We will revoke our license if you access or use our site and its resources for unauthorized purposes without our permission.

Our site is primarily intended for individual use. We discourage people from accessing Invezty using automated systems or software, including bots and scrapers. Avoid using such systems to interact with our site or extract data.

Never change, translate, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or make derivative works of Invezty. As mentioned, you should only access our site for informational purposes unless you have express permission from us to do otherwise.

While we strive to maintain maximum uptime, we can’t and don’t guarantee you’ll have uninterrupted access to our site. Several culprits may render our services unavailable temporarily, including technical glitches and maintenance sessions. We may also discontinue, modify, or suspend any part of our site without seeking prior permission from you or any other entity. We reserve the right to do that at any time.


To ensure a safe, legally-compliant, and respectful environment, we require you to avoid:

  • Doing anything that might negatively impact our site, including introducing malicious viruses, bots or Trojans.
  • Abusing, harassing, or harming other website users or affiliated third parties.
  • Uploading, publishing, or posting offensive, defamatory, abusive, fraudulent, indecent, threatening, violent, pornographic, or obscene content on our site.
  • Harvesting or collecting any data or information from our site without express our express permission and consent.
  • Misusing our features. For instance, you shouldn’t use any public forums we offer to send promotional materials to other people.
  • If you fail to adhere to the stipulated prohibitions, Invezty might kick off the platform, report you to law enforcement authorities, or seek legal remedies against you.

User Accounts

Some areas on our website may require registering an account and providing certain information to access specific features or content. You must be at least 18 to open an account with us. You must also provide complete, accurate, current, and factual information. We prohibit the usage of details that don’t belong to you, like a false name or email address. Invezty may use any information you share with us as our Privacy Policy dictates.

If you register an account with us, you will be solely responsible for safeguarding and maintaining the confidentiality of your login credentials. Share your information with a third party at your own risk. You will also bear full responsibility for any activities associated with your account. That includes actions taken by other entities with or without your consent or permission.

Your account is for personal use only. Unless we give you express permission to do so, don’t use it for any other purposes. Avoid creating multiple accounts or using aliases to bypass our restrictions. Don’t share your account with any other person.

You may terminate your account by following the instructions outlined on our site. If you terminate your account voluntarily or involuntarily, you will lose access to some, if not all, features and content associated with your account.  If you terminate your account, we may retain any information we need to enforce our agreements, comply with legal obligations, and resolve disputes.

We reserve the right to terminate accounts for valid reasons. But you can contact us to request reactivation. We will review your case and act accordingly.

Advice and Recommendations

The content published on Invezty is for educational and informational purposes only. We may offer advice or recommendations, but we expect you to do your research before making any significant decisions, especially where financial investments are concerned. Also, we don’t expect you to use our content to substitute professional guidance.

Our recommendations and advice won’t always apply to your specific circumstances. Remember, we use the information at our disposal at a particular time to create our content. Most importantly, most of our recommendations and suggestions are general in nature.

To summarize, before making any decisions based on our content, research extensively and consult with professionals whenever necessary. We can’t and won’t take responsibility for any decisions you make based on the advice and recommendations posted on Invezty.

User-Generated Content

Invezty may give its users interactive spaces where they can ask questions, hold discussions, express opinions, and share ideas with different entities. If you use any of these designated areas, be careful and use your best judgment. To avoid compromising your safety, don’t share sensitive information on any public forum, including ours. Also, apply caution when interacting with other user-generated posts. We can’t and don’t intend to review everything posted on our public forums.

We expect you to have all necessary permissions and rights to any content you publish on our site. Ensure your posts are accurate and don’t display any misleading information. Your content shouldn’t violate our Terms of Use or other applicable laws and conditions. Avoid using automated means and solutions to publish content on Invezty forums. You are fully responsible for your posts and interactions with other user-generated content.  

Don’t publish discriminatory or offensive posts that may offend people of a particular ethnicity, race, religion, marital status, gender, sex, or age. You should also avoid content that our affiliates may consider inaccurate, defamatory, fraudulent, libelous, or grossly exaggerated.

Invezty reserves all rights to modify or take down any posts on our site or forums.

Third Parties

From time to time, we may collaborate with different third parties. We may also publish sponsored content, guest contributions, and affiliate links on our site.

We won’t take any responsibility for your interactions and dealings with any third party on our site. Under no circumstances will we be liable for any products or services that involve third parties or any harm associated with third-party communication, dealings, and interactions. Please review every third party’s terms and policies before making any commitments, financial or otherwise. If you have any questions or concerns regarding a third party’s terms or policies, please forward them to the responsible third party.

We might also embed affiliate links in our pages and content. These links will direct you to platforms run by third parties. If you click our affiliate links or buy products through them, Invezty might receive a commission. However, any actions you take after clicking an affiliate link involve you and the third party. That includes any purchases you make. Every company has unique terms and conditions, and we can’t review everything regarding our third parties. We encourage you to do diligent research and carefully review all associated policies before making any transactions.

All third-party links on our site are included for your convenience. But Invezty doesn’t endorse or guarantee our affiliates’ information, products, or services. We don’t control, operate, or assume liability for any information, products, or services on external websites. By using external sites, you become solely responsible for any risks or issues you may encounter.

Filtering Software

Our content is primarily for adults. However, we can’t monitor all activities on our site. If you have minors, you can use parental control systems like filtering software to limit their interactions with Invezty. Research extensively and look for a solution that can limit your child’s exposure to content tailored for adults.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy and safety. Refer to our Privacy Policy document for a detailed overview of how we collect, use, protect, share, and disclose your data and information.


By using our site and services, you agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Invezty. You also consent to do the same where our affiliates’ directors, officers, managers, agents, and employees are concerned to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, you indemnify us against any claims, losses, damages, expenses, or liabilities that may arise when you access or use our website and its resources. You also declare yourself responsible for any violations of third-party rights or our terms of use. You will be fully liable for any breach of covenants, warranties and representation.  

Change of Terms

We have the right to modify, change, remove, or add terms to our agreement. We can do so anytime at our discretion without making prior communications or issuing a notice. All changes shall take effect immediately. You should review our Terms of Use periodically since using our website will indicate you accept all effective changes.

Contact Information

Contact our team if you have any questions or concerns regarding our Terms of Use.